Ek het al vantevore ge-blog oor die engele wat oor ons pad kom maar die Vader het nog `n mense engel vir my gestuur in die vorm van Juna. Juna het op die mees amazingste manier in ons lewens beland (weereens die Here wat ons paaie laat kruis as deel van die groter plan) en ek dank Hom elke dag vir hierdie groot blessing.
Juna is Janke se assistent! Elke diva moet mos `n PA hê....
Ek kon nie vir `n beter, meer perfekte au pair gevra het nie! My kind is so gelukkig en tevrede by Tannie Juna en dit maak my hart so bly. So saam saam leer hulle mekaar ken - eintlik leer sy Janke se grille en geite ken - en net ek en Kobus kan liewer vir haar wees as Juna.
So hier is nog `n gebed in my hart:
"Liewe Vader, dankie vir engel Juna! Dankie dat sy so mooi na my kind kyk en so saggies met haar werk. Seën haar en Janke sodat hulle altyd veilig sal wees by die huis. Amen"
Ons gesin is deur aanneming byeengebring maar is met liefde verweef. Hierdie is `n verhaal van geloof, gehoorsaamheid en ongelooflike deursettingsvermoe. | God creates families in different ways. Some are not biological but weaved from the heart. Not from your womb but from the deepest, most personal part of our humanity. This is our story, a cross racial family created through adoption and blessed beyond measure....
Friday, 25 January 2013
To love more than once?
We have settled into our new roles as parents and we are beyond madly in love with our child. She is just the be all and end all in our being and I can not imagine not having her in my life! Now that the worst excitement has worn off we confront ourselves with a new challenge......
Are we going to adopt again?
At the moment we are the perfect amount of musketeers and we are a perfect circle of love. Every night when we fit so perfectly into our bathtub I feel blessed and in awe with the joy that this little circle brings into my life.Will another little body fit in too? Will four make us great musketeers too? Will I be able to love another little sole as much as I love Janke at the moment? She has my whole heart to her exclusive use and sometimes I can not breathe at the thought of how much she is part of my being. How do I multiply this?
I am sure every parent has these feelings and thoughts. I have been asking around and it seems that being a mom is exactly that .... to have the capacity to love (with the same intensity) all of her children equally. Feels completely foreign to me!
So as we move forward the question remain ... are we going to add to our family?
I am moving this to my prayer list because I have no clue. Every day I feel amazed by the new things that motherhood brings to me and how I cope (or don`t cope) with it. Things that I never imagined to feature in my life and conversations I never imagined I would have. The funny things that I now google and the books that I read....
So here is my prayer:
"Dear Lord, you know what is best for me and our family. You have laid out our destiny and you have given us Your prize possession, Janke. Thank you for the way you collide paths to bring us our heart`s desire. Please take our hands and guide us into the future we do not know the outcome of. When the time comes for us to add to our family we will know that it is Your doing and that this process will be as blessed as the first one was. We thank you for our blessing, Janke, and we trust you to do what is best for us! Amen"
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Ons eerste feesgety!
Wat `n wonderlike feesgety was dit nie vir ons nie. Soveel eerstes vir ons as familie en as gesin.
Sussie ontmoet vir Oupa, Ouma & Ouma Grootjie!
Kersfees as `n gesin
Sussie het so oulik die geskenke oopgemaak. Die vrolike papier het dadelik haar aandag getrek en sy het ywerig geskeur en gekyk. Mamma het alles met die video kamera afgeneem en die een traan na die ander afgevee. Hoe groot kan die dankbaar heid in `n mens se hart wees vir die voorreg of vir hierdie engel lief te wees?
Janke was natuurlik aangetrek in haar beste rokke vir die groot geleentheid! Sy het `n uitrusting gehad vir Kersvader se koms en vir die groot familie ete op Kersdag! Kan nie sê dat sy die rokke vreeslik geniet het nie...die kant en net was meer in die mond as rondom die enkels. Oupa het die aantrekkery vreeslik geniet en heerlik gelag vir Susgoed as sy haar "grand entrance" elke keer maak. Die arme kind is so baie afgeneem daardie twee dae. Haar ogies moes so moeg gewees het van die kamera se flitsliggie.....
Maak nie saak wie kom kuier het nie, Sussa het dadelik in hulle harte gespring en almal oorrompel met haar glimlaggie en liefdetjies. Ek is so trots op my kind. Sy is net eenvoudig fantasties! So cute en gee net vir almal glimlaggies en gesels dat die spoeg so spat!
Daar is egter nog een fototjie wat ek net moet oplaai!
Sussie ontspan langs die swembad saam met oupa!
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